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English and Writing on the Web

Welcome to "An exploration of English and Writing on the Web."

Today you are going to complete activities related to 4 different categories

  1. On-line Dictionary
  2. On-line Thesaurus
  3. On-line grammar quizzes
  4. ESL Web Sites

On-line Dictionary

Directions: Click on the above dictionary link and look up the following 3 words: entice, spouse, incentive.

  1. Find the definition
  2. Open your e-mail account so you will be able to send me an e-mail at the following address: jason@wsb-nlu.edu.pl
  3. Write the word "Dictionary" in the subject line along with you and your parnter's name
  4. Copy and paste the definition in the e-mail to me
  5. Write a sentence using the word and write the word in ALL CAPS
  6. Do this for every word, but do it all in ONE e-mail to me.

Graphic of books; Size=130 pixels wide

On-line Thesaurus

  1. Click on the above thesaurus link
  2. Type in the word argument 
  3. Open your e-mail account so you will be able to send me an e-mail at the following address: jason@wsb-nlu.edu.pl
  4. Write "Thesaurus" in the subject line along with you and your partner's name
  5. Copy and paste 3 synonyms for arguement whose definitin is "reasoning" in an e-mail to me


  1. Type in the word thing
  2. Find the the word "thing" whose definition is "aspect".
  3. Copy and paste 3 synonyms in the same e-mail as above


  1. Type in the word like
  2. Find the entry that lists "admire, adore appreciate and approve among its synonyms
  3. Copy and paste the word given as the definition for this entry

Attention--this is a separate e-mail than the one you wrote for the dictionary exercise!!

Graphic of books; Size=130 pixels wide